SCBWI WINTER CONFERENCE CHRONICLES: Vol.2 Would You Like Another Bagel, Mr. Kong?
Day 1: Travel Day.
As you have guessed I am not writing or posting these in order. I can't honestly tell you why, but it just kind of happened this way. As I sit here and kinda sort of watch-kinda sort of listen to episodes of The Simpsons, I have vowed to catch up on my blog, though to be honest, Illustrator's Day is coming up in Atlanta on Friday, I have 3 competitions I'm preparing art for and of course there is always Illustration Fridays. Not to mention I am behind on my emails and I'm also blogging... eek.
In any case I wanted to chronicle Day 2 from NYC Winter Conference. Day 2 was a Travel Day/Fun Day. B and I boarded a plane somewhat early morning... I know, I have never been one to like getting up early, but it's true I was awake before 8am, without staying up all night. We had a nice seat mate, but I can't really help but think constantly about the Season Finale of Grey's Anatomy where the medic plane crashes and the characters either die or get stranded out in the woods for 7 days. There is quite a bit of woods in between Georgia and New York and I admit, it was on my mind. I've always been paranoid of flying and I don't think any future quantity of plane rides will ever change this. Alas, I am forever cursed with my fear of being suspended in tons of steel floating aloft in the sky only by the thinnest hair of physics. I did enjoy watching, and watching only as I didn't feel like plugging my headset, a good episode of The Office. It was the one where Pam's Ex-Fiance gets re-married and invites Jim and Pam to the wedding and Jim is very worried that he is going to be messed with or beat up or be called names. You've all seen that one, I'm sure. It's a very good, very funny episode and I played a little game with myself to see if I could remember what the characters were saying to each other in my head. As my memory of such things is always touch and go, this made for quite an interesting game with some really good add libbed dialogue (if I may say so myself) even if the entire "show" was only in my own head. It made the time go by quickly and in a more amusing fashion. I will always have a special place in my heart for Mystery Science Theatre 3000...
...Speaking of shows, in know this is a random interject, but, I am watching the Haunted Tree House Episode of This particular Season of the Simpsons, and I want to say,"Also, how AMAZING is Bart Simpson's Hat right now." It's made of an MJ Thriller Record album, he's carrying a Batman comic under his arm and he has a make-shift cape tied around his shoulders. This is a fantastic costume, possibly a contender for next year's Halloween. This is, of course the spoof on Pet Cemetery and MJ's Thriller, when all the dead pets rise out of the ground as Lisa share a tearful sentiment over Snowball's grave. These are just a few of "my favorite things" (sing song) and for wanting to be a Toys 'R' Us Kid (because they never really grow up, for those who are unfamiliar with the 80's TRU Ad Campaign.)
As we were heading in for a landing at LaGuardia, I noticed the Statue of Liberty. She was SO small it was as if she were that miniature key chain in her own gift shop. After check in, B and I kind of took a detour after detour trying to figure out how to navigate the subway to Grand Central from where we were staying. In the end, we gave up and we walked the eight block hike it took to get to Grand Central. This would be the first of the seemingly endless eight block pilgrimages I would make that weekend. Since we had some time after that, I insisted we g to the Busy Bee Bagel Cafe in Brooklyn for lunch.

[I'll define what I mean when I say Mickey Mouse Moment. It is always eminent and undeniably inevitable that Every Single Human Being, regardless of gender, age, class, education or disposition, whilst visiting Disney World or Land (doesn't matter), lights up like the fourth of July when they see that Mickey Mouse Costumed Character in the park. Regardless of all their previous denials of how unimportant and uninterested they are in taking a photo op with the most beloved animated character of all time, at this point they are pushing over babies in strollers, shoving elderly people out of their way and even tossing small children that happened to get under foot into nearby bushes just to take their picture with that poor over worked, possibly underpaid college kid dressed in that Mickey costume. I've heard stories of it coming to fists when it comes to Mickey time. And this is exactly what I mean when I say a Mickey Moment. When you are willing to make a complete ass out of yourself to get that photo-op of a life time no matter what it takes to get it.... and yes, I had a Mickey Moment.]

These ads displayed the most adorable little kittens and puppies and made me glad I was not near an animal shelter as I would have been more likely to adopt every adorable animal in the place. I would say these adverts did their job well, but a week or so after that, I can't even remember the name of the website without googling it.
photo by B.E.
To make a long story short, we arrived at the Empire State Building. I was very excited, though we couldn't really find the entrance and ended up entering in the CVS that was on the side of the building and kind of making our way through to the proper entrance foyer. We then proceeded through an elaborate but very classy red velvet rope labyrinth that I assumed would be filled with a cue of people during the daytime... as I am sure few tourists visit there at night, the labyrinth was a quick solve and soon we were riding the elevator to the 80th floor, where you can see an exhibit of the history of the building of the Building. There were also so many interesting statistics about the place. B and I purchased the audio tour and since they seemed to be rushing people through the exhibit space to get them to the observatory, we didn't get t stay long. As I usually like to get my money's worth from museum exhibits, I like to read EVERYTHING. If there is a plaque, I'm reading it. If there is a photograph or Illustration, I'm studying it. I was slightly disappointed I could not do this at the 80th floor. Once back n the elevator we were on our way to the 120th floor. The elevators were so elegantly decorated and the floor button pad was shaped like the building itself... I know, cute, huh? Also no one was really speaking to each other, very much like a regular elevator ride you would have anywhere, but 80th to the 120th was a much longer ride to pretend that no one else is in the elevator with you. I often wonder why the etiquette is as such, but you never want to be "that annoying elevator loiterer that talks to you while you're just trying to get to your floor" do you? SO you just shut your trap and enjoy the ride, pretending that the ceiling of the elevator is really the most interesting thing you could possibly have ever seen.
photo by B.E.
Once we reached the observatory, B and I realized something very quickly once we stepped outside. If we thought it was cold and windy down on the streets of Brooklyn, it would not have been able to hold a candle to how cold and how amazingly strong the wind was blowing off the top of that building. Partly because the wind was so strong it would have "blown it out." Har har. I was kind of glad there was a safety cage for all the wayward visitors that might just be, quite literally, swept off their feet if they weren't careful. B was really excited and actually took some fantastic photographs when we were there. I have posted just a few. I can't quite express in words what it is like to see the city at night from 120 stories. I was absolutely without words. There are SO many beautiful lights that you find yourself hypnotized.

I, on the other hand, am about as tall as a teapot and had to devise an alternate strategy. As I explained before, I am ALL ABOUT getting my money's worth, and my trip to the Empire State Building was no exception. I decided that the outside blustery chilled Arctic winds would be OK in rather short bursts and doses. Since looking out the observatory windows, now crowded with people, I knew the best solutions was to calmly take a deep breath, press the appropriately assigned audio tour number on the pad and then... with for it... Rush outside!.. So quickly and look and look and look and look and look and look (itchy and scratchy) to see what the audio guide was talking about and then.... Quick rush back inside!... warm up a minute then..... Rush right back outside! and then look and look and look and then.... Rush right back inside to warm up for a minute... then... well, you get the picture. There were 7 numbers on the pad and each numbered part of the tour is anywhere between 5-8 minutes in length and yes I did not leave until I did every sing point around that entire observatory. That was A LOT of running in and out or a door. Who needs a gym membership in NYC, I tell you.

That pretty much sums up Day 2. We took the train back to the hotel and turned in semi-early for us (that's like11pm), since I had a VERY early day ahead of me... and you all should know by now how I feel about early days. Stay tuned next time kiddies for the next SCBWI Conference adventure. Same Bat Chanel, Somewhat Same Bat Time.
Till then,
Keep sketching, keep thinking, keep laughing and most important of all, keep making art.
I am so glad you got to have this awesome experience. I could imagine I was there right along with you and B with your descriptions. B's pictures are the best. The Irish have a way with words as we all know. And you are definitely Irish.You are a wonderful SeanchaĆ.